75 Items by auctions and galleries:
adam scheid
Lot 237 Persönliches Petschaft eines deutschen Fürsten, gefertigt von Georg Adam Scheid, deutsch, um 1900
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. 

Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 6390 Silberne Streichholz-Vesta-Zunderbuchse (Zünderbüchse) mit Allianzwappen, Österreich, Wien, Georg Adam Scheid, um 1885
Works of Art, Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art 

Hermann Historica
Works of Art, Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art
Date: 27.11.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 663
Lot 6394 Drei silberne Wodkabecher mit emaillierten Stadtwappen der Städte Berlin, Frankfurt und Straßburg, Österreich, Wien, Georg Adam Scheid, um 1920
Works of Art, Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art 

Hermann Historica
Works of Art, Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art
Date: 27.11.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 663
Lot 6392 Diamantbesetztes Zigarettenetui als Geschenk Alfons XIII. von Spanien an den Marquis de Massa, Wien, Georg Adam Schied, datiert 1905
Works of Art, Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art 

Hermann Historica
Works of Art, Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art
Date: 27.11.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 663
Lot 3689 Klein, Johann Adam
Johann Adam Klein (1792 - 1875)
A127: Künstlergraphik 

Johann Adam Klein
24.11.1792 - 21.05.1875
Johann Adam Klein was a German painter and engraver.
He studied the art of engraving and painting at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, and painted battle scenes, carefully painting details and especially horses. Horses and animals in general are Klein's favorite subjects. In addition to Germany, he lived in Italy and Hungary, and everywhere he looked for subjects for his works, where horses are necessarily in the center of attention, whether it be battle scenes involving the military, or in a village stable on vacation.

Auktionshaus Kiefer
A127: Künstlergraphik
Date: 18.02.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1506
Lot 15 Württemberg: Nachlass des württembergischen Bezirksfeldwebel Johann Adam Geißlinger im 3. Jäger-Bataillon. 1.) Preussen: Eisernes Kreuz
26th auction - Militaria Collection of Eastern Europe & Russia 

Bene Merenti Auktionen
26th auction - Militaria Collection of Eastern Europe & Russia
Date: 16.10.2020 13:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 343